International Projects 'HAW.International' and 'Training Pact with Africa' join efforts in capacity building

  • Datum: 27.05.2024

Online teaching has gained importance since the Covid 19 pandemic and it has shown its potential especially for HSWT's international cooperation. Keeping up with new developments of digital tools can be a challenge for teaching staff and university administration. Therefore, the projects 'HAW.International' (funded by DAAD and BMBF) and 'Training Pact with Africa' (funded by GIZ and BMZ) both address capacity building in their program. They jointly provided three trainings for their international partner universities and HSWT during April and May 2024 to answer three important questions concerning teaching and learning in the digital era: 'How can artificial intelligence improve teaching and learning?', 'How can lecturers create a positive learning environment in the digital space?' and 'How to develop interesting video material for e-learning with "standard software"?'. Lecturers and students of our partner networks from four continents participated in the trainings on 'ChatGPT', 'Communities of Inquiry' and 'Creating Teaching Videos with Power Point'. The high participation numbers and the vivid discussions during the trainings demonstrated that these topics are relevant for our international teaching and learning community.
