Exploring Rimini and its hinterland: excursion to Italy
An international group of around 50 Bachelor and Master students and lecturers from the HfWU and HSWT - including the IMLA students of the current 2nd semester with their supervisors - visited Rimini in the time frame 17 – 20 October 2021.
The IMLA team organised this excursion with site visits and guided tours as a prelude to participation in this year's LE:NOTRE International Student Competition, which is being worked on by the students as part of the so-called IMLA Main Project II.
This competition is part of the 11th Landscape Forum of the LE:NOTRE Institute which will be held in April 2022 and be hosted by the Italian Region Emilia Romagna in cooperation with its local partners.
Title of the competition task is 'Riviera di Rimini – Dancing to the Future'.
The interdisciplinary student teams are asked to elaborate planning and design proposals for the coastal landscape of Rimini and its direct hinterland.
The competition aims to support systemic, integrated and holistic approaches to landscape transformation. More information about the competition can be found here.
A special thanks goes to the City of Rimini, who kindly offered us a guided tour which gave us a very good overview, and to our local guide Monia Magalotti, who also accompanied us to the surrounding landscape of Rimini.