Prof. Dr. Matthias Drösler


Am Hofgarten 1
85354 Freising
Professur für Vegetationsökologie
Forschungsprofessur für Klimawandel und Moor-Ökosysteme
Leitung des Instituts für Ökologie und Landschaft (IÖL)
Mitglied des Fakultätsrates LA
Koordinator und Studiendekan Masterstudiengang 'Climate Change Managment' (M-CCM)
Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission M-CCM

nach Vereinbarung


Seit 01.09.2012

Professor for Soil Science, Plant Nutrition and Agro-Ecology
Department of Agriculture and Food Economy
Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, University of Applied Sciences
Am Hofgarten 4, D-85354 Freising, Germany

02/2007 – 08/2012

Head of a research team for analyzing and optimizing the anaerobic digestion process of agricultural feedstock
Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Animal Husbandry
Vöttinger Str. 36, D-85354 Freising, Germany

04/1997 – 12/2006

Post-doc research assistant at the Chair of Plant Nutrition
Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Am Hochanger 4, D-85354 Freising, Germany
Topic: N-Cycling in organic agriculture and horticultureTasks: Head of the lab for NIRS and IRMS (13C and 15N), teaching, project acquisition and management, team management

02/1993 – 03/1997

PhD-student at the Chair of Plant Nutrition, TUM
Topic: Measurement of N2-fixation of legumes in field
Tasks: head (starting from 1994) of the lab for IRMS (13C and 15N), project management, teaching



Dissertation (Prof. Dr. N. Claassen)
Title: N2-Fixierung von Körnerleguminosen: Aussagekraft und Weiterentwicklung vorhandener Messmethoden am Beispiel Lupinus albus L. (N2-fixation of grain legumes: validity and further development of existing measurement methods using Lupinus albus L.)

10/1984 - 12/1992

Studies of Agro-Biology at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
Diploma-thesis was prepared with Prof. Dr. H. Marschner and Sen. Lect. E.A. Kirkby (Leeds University)
Title: Auswirkungen von Phosphormangel auf das Wachstum und die Nährstoffaufnahme von Tomatenpflanzen in Nährlösung (Effect of P deficency on growth and nutrient uptake of tomato plants in nutrient solution)

