Modulating tiller formation in cereal crops by the signalling function of fertilizer nitrogen forms
- Publikationsart
- Zeitschriftenbeiträge (peer-reviewed)
- Titel
- Modulating tiller formation in cereal crops by the signalling function of fertilizer nitrogen forms
- Medien
- Nature - Scientific Reports
- Band
- 10
- Artikelnummer
- 20504
- Autoren
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer , Prof. Nicolaus von Wirén
- Veröffentlichungsdatum
- 25.11.2020
- Zitation
- Bauer, Bernhard; von Wirén, Nicolaus (2020): Modulating tiller formation in cereal crops by the signalling function of fertilizer nitrogen forms. Nature - Scientific Reports 10, 20504. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-77467-3