Natural cosmetics offer the opportunity to reduce the environmental burden caused by the consumption of cosmetic products. This qualitative study analyzes the local range of natural cosmetics and related consumer perceptions and assessments in two case cities in Germany by applying a mixed-method approach of store checks and the photovoice method. Results of the study show that there is only a limited match of the actual range and consumer perception for some types of retail businesses and a mismatch for product categories. Additionally, participants showed little awareness of the most common natural cosmetic certifications. Consumer assessments about the range of natural cosmetics were influenced by factors such as the arrangement of products in the shops and consumers' experience and knowledge about natural cosmetic brands. Retailers can use the study results in arranging natural cosmetics accordingly; companies can use it to emphasize branding, and policy-makers can increase consumer knowledge about natural cosmetics.
Julia Ruf,
Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad,
Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein
Using bio-based building products for renovation and refurbishment contributes to a bioeconomy. As private consumers mainly buy building products at local hardware stores, it is essential to consider the local supply situation. This qualitative study analyzes the local range of bio-based building products for renovation and refurbishment and related consumer perceptions and assessments in two case cities in Germany. The study results reveal that consumers face high search costs, the range of products is primarily narrow, and their placement and presentation are unfavorable. Manufacturers can use the study results and invest in classical marketing strategies, and initiate pull strategies with consumers for bio-based building products. This could motivate retailers to increase the range and improve the placement and presentation of such products. Finally, policymakers can apply the insights from this study to educational campaigns and the promotion of quality labels in this field.
Julia Ruf,
Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein,
Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
Bio-based products represent a promising alternative to fossil-based products and contribute to reduce negative environmental consequences caused by the latter. As consumer behavior is crucial for market penetration of bio-based products, this review analyses the current state of the art in consumer research on bio-based products and aims to identify research gaps and future research needs. This review is based on a systematic synthesis of 59 scientific journal articles and one book chapter on consumer studies related to bio-based products. Peer-reviewed studies in English language, with a research focus on consumer issues related to bio-based products of plant origin, that aim to replace fossil resources, have been included in the review. Most reviewed studies investigated bio-based plastics and composites, used a quantitative research approach, have been based on established consumer theories and used non-probability sampling techniques. While consumer preferences and attitudes, conviction as well as knowledge and perception related to bio-based products were focus of many reviewed studies, consumer awareness, liking and purchasing of bio-based products have been studied rarely or not at all. The results show that many consumers are not aware of the existence of bio-based products, related knowledge is low, and labels and brands are often unknown. Additionally, some consumers have wrong assumptions about the environmental impact of bio-based materials. Consumer preferences vary between product groups, but often factors like price or functionality are more important than bio-based materials. High purchase intentions and an increased willingness to pay are found e.g. for bio-based packaging products, disposable products and plant containers (in particular for female and environmentally-concerned consumers). The review identifies important research gaps and conclusions for future research needs such as e.g., to realize more studies in countries of the global south, analyze actual purchase behavior and the regional supply situation related to bio-based products.
Sonstige Veröffentlichungen
Julia Ruf,
Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein,
M.A. Lyn Lampmann,
M.A. Tabea Habermehl,
Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
This report deals with the regional supply situation of biogenic products in three application areas (natural cosmetics, outdoor equipment, building materials) in Bavaria and the views and estimations of consumers on this situation. Based on the outcome of the analysis, recomendations for policy and other actors are derived.
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe spielen eine wichtige Rolle im Wandel hin zu einer CO2-reduzierten und biobasierten Wirtschaft. Obwohl bereits in vielen Anwendungsfeldern biobasierte Produkte entwickelt und …
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