Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Christoph Mühlmann,
Prof. Dr. Michael Beck,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Regulation of greenhouse lighting with a PAR sensor (2017) BHGL-Tagungsband 31/2015 , S. 119.
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Athanasios Nitsopoulos,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Correlation of rosmarinic acid content of basil with the ratio of far-red:red light (2015) BHGL-Tagungsband 31/2015 (31), S. 121.
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hauser,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel,
Monika Baur,
Hans-Peter Haas,
Franziska Kohlrausch,
Dietmar Prucker
Einfluss von LEDs auf das Wachstum und Blühverhalten von Beet- und Balkonpflanzen (2013) DGG Tagung, Bonn, 27.02.-02.03.2013 .
Franziska Kohlrausch,
Hans-Peter Haas,
L. Köhler,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Traud Winkelmann
Attempts to save energy in cultivation of bedding plants by a simple alternative temperature strategy (2008) First Symposium on Horticulture in Europe (SHE) vom 17 bis 20.02.2008 in Wien/Österreich .
Sonstige Veröffentlichungen
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Hans-Peter Haas,
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hauser
Pelargonium Cultivars: Einfluss von Licht auf die Bewurzelung von Stecklingen (2016) Versuche im deutschen Gartenbau 2016 – Zierpflanzen (www.hortigate.de/bericht?nr=71510) .
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Der Einfluss von LED-Licht auf den Rosmarinsäuregehalt in Basilikum (2014) Infodienst Weihenstephan, Dezember 2014 / Januar 2015 .
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Einfluss der verschiedenen Wellenlängen einer LED-Belichtung auf das Pflanzenwachstum (2013) Infodienst Weihenstephan, April 2013 .
Dietmar Prucker
Einsatz von LED-Belichtung in Gewächshäusern (2011) Infodienst Weihenstephan (6).
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Hans-Peter Haas,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Wärmestrahlung, LED und Streckungswachstum (2016) Gärtnerbörse (10), S. 62-65.
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Mit Licht hemmen? (2016) DEGA Gartenbau (7), S. 56-58.
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Lässt sich das Spektrum von LED-Licht nutzen? (2014) DEGA Gartenbau (11), S. 54-55.
Dietmar Prucker
Einsatz von technischem CO2 in Gewächshäusern (2008) KTBL-Arbeitsblatt Darmstadt (Nr. 0724).
Zeitschriftenbeiträge (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
M. Kriedel,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peisl,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Berechtigungen: Peer Reviewed
On the role of the light regime in root development of Euphorbia pulcherrima leafy stem cuttings (2016) European Journal of Horticultural Science (EJHS) 81 (3), S. 148-151.
DOI: 10.17660/eJHS.2016/81.3.2
The development of primordial roots of Euphorbia pulcherrima cuttings coincides with a significant increase in photosynthesis. Therefore, Svenson and Davies (1990) suggested that supplementary lighting has no effect on root development of Euphorbia pulcherrima cuttings before primordial roots develop. In this study this hypothesis was experimentally challenged. Cuttings were cultivated with supplementary lighting from the day of sticking and compared to cuttings that were exposed to the same lighting after primordial root development. Our data show that both sets of cuttings developed equally well and both did better than cuttings that were cultivated without supplementary light. Moreover, the data show that light quality had a major impact on root number, length and weight. Therefore, this study confirms the hypothesis of Svenson and Davies (1990) and shows that the positive effect of supplementary lighting is partially mediated by photoreceptors.
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Prof. Dr. Michael Beck,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peisl,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Berechtigungen: Peer Reviewed
Test of a PAR sensor-based, dynamic regulation of LED lighting in greenhouse cultivation of Helianthus annuus (2016) European Journal of Horticultural Science 81 (3), S. 152-156.
DOI: 10.17660/eJHS.2016/81.3.3
The intensity, and consequently the energy consumption, of light emitting diodes (LEDs) can be regulated. Therefore, LEDs can be implemented in new, dynamic energy saving strategies. Recently it has been shown that a program, which adjusts the intensity of a LED to the current solar PAR, reduced its energy consumption by 20%. The effect of a dynamic LED lighting on ornamental crops has not been tested. In this study we compared the growth of the model plant Helianthus annuus under a dynamic versus a static, control LED lighting. The data of this study show that the dynamic LED consumed 21% less energy than a control LED. However, there was no difference in crop quality or time to anthesis.
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peisl,
Athanasios Nitsopoulos,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Berechtigungen: Peer Reviewed
The rosmarinic acid content of basil and borage correlates with the ratio of red and far-red light (2016) European Journal of Horticultural Science 81 (5), S. 243-247.
DOI: 10.17660/eJHS.2016/81.5.2
Rosmarinic acid (RA) and caffeic acid (CA) are potent antixodiants and show antimicrobial activity against many fungal plant pathogens. Their biosynthesis employs enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway, a pathway that in mustard is regulated by phytochrome. If RA biosynthesis is regulated by phytochromes one would expect that the RA level correlated with the ratio of red to far-red light. In this paper we tested this hypothesis by growing basil and borage under different ratios of red to far-red light. CA and RA contents were measured with state of the art LC-MS/MS. Regression analysis showed that there is a significant inverse correlation of the ratio of red to far-red light and the content of RA, but not of CA. Hence, we conclude that RA biosynthesis is regulated by phytochrome.
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Berechtigungen: Peer Reviewed
Red light promotes compact growth of sunflowers (2015) European Journal of Horticultural Science 80 (2), S. 56-61.
DOI: 10.17660/eJHS.2015/80.2.2
Light quality affects plant morphology. Hence, light quality is an important factor in the cultivation of ornamental plants. The recent advances in LED technology allow producers to adjust light quality to manipulate plant growth. For growers of ornamental plants the primary aim regarding plant morphology is to keep plants short and compact with attractive flowers. However, data on the effect of light quality on plant morphology are still sparse. This study provides data on the effect of different LED light regimes on height and fresh weight of shoot and flower, leaf area and compactness of the model plant Helianthus annuus. Regression analysis of these data shows that red light promotes compact growth.
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
LED – the key for product design (2015) Vortrag auf der Fruit Logistica Berlin, Februar 2015 .
Dr. Annette Bucher,
Franziska Kohlrausch,
Dietmar Prucker
Vergleich von vertikalen Begrünungssystemen hinsichtlich ihrer Wasserabgabe an die Raumluft (2015) Vortrag auf Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Tagung, Freising, 26.2.2015 .
Dr. Thomas Schwend,
Dietmar Prucker,
Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel
Red light promotes compact growth of sunflowers (2015) BHGL - Schriftenreihe Band 31, 2015 (31), S. 56.
Dietmar Prucker
Alternative Energieträger zur Beheizung von Gewächshäusern (2008) Vortrag auf Bioland Wintertagung NRW, am 29.01.2008 in Hamm .
Aufgrund ihrer speziellen Inhaltsstoffe wird angenommen, dass weltweit jede vierte Pflanzenart als Heil-, Aroma- oder Gewürzpflanze genutzt wird. Allein in Deutschland umfasst ihre Zahl gut 1.500 …
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Wirkung des verfügbaren Wassers auf die Haltbarkeit bedeutender Zierpflanzen zu untersuchen, zu quantifizieren und eine praxisrelevante Messstrategie zur Überprüfung …
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