Die chronologische Liste zeigt aktuelle Veröffentlichungen aus dem Forschungsbetrieb der Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf. Zuständig ist das Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer (ZFW).
Zusammenfassendes Animationsvideo zum Zeitschriftenbeitrag ‘Reinigung von lösemittelhaltiger Prozessabluft in Biorieselbettreaktoren (Purification of Solvent-Containing Exhaust Gas in Biotrickling Filters), in: Chemie Ingenieur Technik, doi.org/10.1002/cite.202100058
Prof. Dr. Sabine Grüner-Lempart,
Dr. Jörg Schäffer,
Mohamad Khaled Kanbour
This is a knowledge contribution to the unsatisfactory biodegradation problem, when biotrickling filters are purifying mixed paint solvents. A biotrickling filter manufacturer reported low biodegradation rates during the purification of a hydrocarbon pollutant mix from an industrial paint spraying floor. From a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer analysis both hydrophilic and hydrophobic solvents were found in the polluted air. It is known that biodegradation is retarded, if the pollutant does not transfer from gas to liquid into the biofilm and it was therefore suspected that hydrophobic pollutants do not sufficiently migrate into the water/biofilm. To test this hypothesis, pure, rather than mixed pollutants, were injected into the abiotic biotrickling filter. When hydrophobic paint solvent (xylene) was sprayed into the biotrickling filter, the solvent load at the outlet of the filter was almost as high as at the inlet. But when pure, hydrophilic paint solvent (PGME) was sprayed into the abiotic biotrickling filter, the solvent load measured at the outlet of the filter was zero, indicating complete dissolution into the circulation water. Carbon/solvent loads at the filter outlet and inlet were measured with a portable flame ionization detector instrument. The experiment confirms that the hydrophobic solvent does not migrate into the liquid phase. This poor mass transfer of hydrophobic solvents is likely to be the reason for the low biodegradation rate. The result is highly relevant to the paint spraying industry and manufacturers of exhaust gas treatment equipment alike, who spend millions in non-sustainable incineration of exhaust gases.
B.Sc. Nikolas Trimpe,
Dr. Jörg Schäffer,
Prof. Dr. Sabine Grüner-Lempart
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