New products and services. Analysis of regulations shaping new markets
- Publikationsart
- Bücher / Monografien
- Titel
- New products and services. Analysis of regulations shaping new markets
- Medien
- Europäische Kommission DG Enterprise, Luxemburg, 242 S
- Autoren
- K. Blind, B. Bührlen, S. Hafner, Christiane Kotz, Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad , Rainer Walz
- Veröffentlichungsdatum
- 31.12.2004
- Zitation
- Blind, K.; Bührlen, B.; Hafner, S.; Kotz, Christiane; Menrad, Klaus; Walz, Rainer (2004): New products and services. Analysis of regulations shaping new markets. Europäische Kommission DG Enterprise, Luxemburg, 242 S.