Energy Turnaround in Germany - Public perception of external effects of Biogas technology by German inhabitants in their roles as citizens, residents and consumers under economic, ecological and social viewpoints

Beiträge zu wissenschaftlicher Konferenz/Tagung
Energy Turnaround in Germany - Public perception of external effects of Biogas technology by German inhabitants in their roles as citizens, residents and consumers under economic, ecological and social viewpoints
Presentation and Paper at the Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia. Bangkok, Thailand. Book of Proceedings
Dr. rer. pol. Willie Stiehler, Dr. Thomas Decker , Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
Stiehler, Willie; Decker, Thomas; Menrad, Klaus (2012): Energy Turnaround in Germany - Public perception of external effects of Biogas technology by German inhabitants in their roles as citizens, residents and consumers under economic, ecological and social viewpoints. Presentation and Paper at the Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia. Bangkok, Thailand. Book of Proceedings.