Effect of long-term compost application on physical properties of loamy soils

The benefit of a compost application not only derives from its nutrient effect, also very important is the effect of the supplied organic matter on pedobiological, especially pedophysical characteristics. The change in the pedophysical properties generally results from the cumulated effect of substantial amounts of humus, accumulated over a longer time period. Normally, the soil-improvement effects are more pronounced on sandy soils than on loam soils. However, the latter frequently exhibit problems as regards soil structure and erosion liability. In two field trials, the influence of compost application on pore volume, pore-size distribution and aggregate stability of fertile loess-loam soils was specifically studied (Lamp, 1996).

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Beiträge in Monografien, Sammelwerken, Schriftenreihen
Effect of long-term compost application on physical properties of loamy soils
Seminar Proceedings: "Applying Compost – Benefits and Needs", Brussels, 22. - 23. November 2001
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder , Reinhold Gutser
Ebertseder, Thomas; Gutser, Reinhold (2003): Effect of long-term compost application on physical properties of loamy soils. Seminar Proceedings: "Applying Compost – Benefits and Needs", Brussels, 22. - 23. November 2001, S. 229-232.