Ecological background of crown condition, growth and nutritional status of Picea abies (L.) Karst. in the Bavarian Alps

Using a representative sample of stands from a cross section through the Bavarian portion of the northern Calcareous Alps, this study evaluates the plausibility and significance of causal hypotheses for an explanation of the poor crown condition of Norway spruce in mountain forests: (1) ozone exposure in conjunction with (a) drought and (b) ample water supply; (2) soil-borne nutrient deficiency; (3) drought; and (4) tree age. Site index and, in a subset of stands, foliar nutrient concentrations are considered as additional indicators of tree vigour. According to principal component analysis and multiple regression, crown condition was controlled by soil chemistry (transparency increased towards shallow calcareous soils), stand age and, to a smaller degree, by an interaction between ozone exposure and drought. Site index was best explained by a model including elevation, soil chemistry and drought. Tree nutrition clearly reflected the main soil chemical gradient, and P, N and Fe deficiencies were found in transparent stands, which had markedly smaller needles. The similar distributions of crown transparency, site index and nutrition present a strong argument for the hypothesis that soil chemistry has constrained the vigour of spruce trees in the Calcareous Alps for a long time. By leaving unproductive stands to age naturally, forest management has accentuated the pattern of crown condition. In the heterogeneous alpine landscape, possible effects of recent increases in ozone exposure have to be viewed extremely carefully against the background of these natural and anthropogenic covariables.

Zeitschriftenbeiträge (peer-reviewed)
Ecological background of crown condition, growth and nutritional status of Picea abies (L.) Karst. in the Bavarian Alps
European Journal of Forest Research
Ewald, Jörg (2005): Ecological background of crown condition, growth and nutritional status of Picea abies (L.) Karst. in the Bavarian Alps. European Journal of Forest Research 124 (1), S. 9-18. DOI: 10.1007/s10342-004-0051-5