Coating techniques for glass beads as filter media for removal of manganese from water

Dry as well as wet coating techniques were developed to coat glass beads as filter media to remove manganese from water. For dry coating, powdered manganese oxide ore was fixed on the media surface. Wet coating was achieved by depositing synthetic manganese oxides onto the bead surface. The media were characterized by electron microscopy as well as by testing the removal of Mn2+ in a continuous stirred tank reactor. Image analysis of microscopic pictures illustrated that the surface area could partly be coated by powdered material using dry coating methods, whereas complete coverage was achieved using wet coating approaches. With regard to dry coating techniques, Mn sorption uptake was higher for the adhesively dry coated glass beads than for beads where a binding agent was used. The wet coating column approach proved to be more successful than the coating of beads in a stirred tank reactor. Mn removal capability of the beads increased with higher reactant concentrations during coating. Oxide-coated glass beads applied in filter systems have the potential to improve conventional demanganization processes.

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Zeitschriftenbeiträge (peer-reviewed)
Coating techniques for glass beads as filter media for removal of manganese from water
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
Dr. Peter Rose, Simon Hager, Dr. Karl Glas, Prof. Dr. Dirk Rehmann, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hofmann
Rose, Peter; Hager, Simon; Glas, Karl; Rehmann, Dirk; Hofmann, Thomas (2016): Coating techniques for glass beads as filter media for removal of manganese from water. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 17 (1), S. 95-106. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2016.116