Network Africa: Challenges & Solutions
The Africa Network will contribute to solving the many challenges facing academic education in Agriculture and Food Technology - and beyond. These include:
Food Security
Impact of climate change
Productivity of smallholder agriculture
Minimising losses during harvest, storage and transport
Processing of agricultural products to increase value added
Start-up, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness and Food Technology
Goals Pursued by Network Africa
Network Africa has set itself the goal of contributing to the knowledge society in African countries, which serves as the foundation of a stable and functioning society as well as the basis of a successful business location. This can create new jobs, support smallholder farms in sustainably increasing production and income, and shift value creation to rural Africa.
As a concrete goal of knowledge transfer, the stronger inclusion of practical elements is at the top of the agenda. The experience of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in practice-oriented life sciences is to complement the often very theoretically oriented agricultural education in Africa.
Network Africa in Figures
- Training Pact with Africa (AmA)
The training pact with Africa sets out core measures and expansion measures to strengthen the exchange of knowledge, for example training for managers, but also the Master's programme in Agricultural Management.
- Postgraduate Course "Foodchains in Agriculture"
The postgraduate course "Foodchains in Agriculture" with a maximum of 25 African Master's graduates takes place at the Triesdorf Campus.
- Technology and Application Pact (TAP)
The TAP works with African universities of applied sciences and companies on application-oriented teaching in the field of Agriculture & Value Creation.
- Bavarian-Ethiopian Alliance for Applied Life Sciences
The Bavarian-Ethiopian Alliance was a project existing until 2021 to build a network in the Ethiopian region to promote international academic training.
- African-Bavarian Alliance
The African-Bavarian-Alliance project, funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery, served to build a network between the HSWT and partner institutions from Ethiopia, Senegal, Tunisia and South Africa (Gauteng & Western Cape) until the end of 2023.
- TOMATO project
In cooperation with the three Ethiopian partner universities Bahir Dar, Hawassa and Arsi, the TOMATO project aims to strengthen local value chains in fruit and vegetable cultivation through practice-oriented higher education in Foodstuff Management.
- HAW.International
The HAW.International project serves to expand the international study and training opportunities offered by the HSWT.
- Women Empowerment in Food and Agriculture Cooperatives through Enabling Market Access (WEFACE)
The overall objective is to empower women in the agri-food sector and to promote sustainable and innovative practices for a better food and agriculture industry. WEFACE is a joint project of four countries: Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT) from Germany, Arsi University from Ethiopia, Université du Sine Saloum El-Hâdj Ibrahima NIASS (USSEIN) from Senegal and Gabes University from Tunisia.
- Boosting Agricultural Studies in Sub-Saharan Africa (BASIS)
The overall project objective of BASIS is to support partner universities in sub-Saharan Africa, specifically Togo, Senegal and Uganda, in the transition to practice-based teaching in order to improve students' employability and strengthen capacity building and partner universities' strategies for social inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility of Agriculture education.
- Cooperation for Holistic Agriculture Innovation Nests in Sub-Saharan Africa (CHAIN)
CHAIN's overall objective is to support the modernisation of agricultural education in Togo, Nigeria and Kenya by promoting a more holistic and people-centred approach to agricultural education, training and innovation.
- Managing (South) Africa and Senegal Sustainability Targets through Economic-diversification of Rural-areas (MASSTER)
The MASSTER project explores ways to support agriculture students and farmers in sub-Saharan Africa by offering innovative education and training tools implemented through greater involvement of universities of applied sciences in community development and a whole-of-society approach in the context of linking agriculture and rural development as well as migration and mobility.
- African-Bavarian Alliance for Applied Life Sciences 2.0
As a continuation of the African-Bavarian Alliance for Applied Life Sciences, which was concluded at the end of 2023, the African-Bavarian Alliance for Applied Life Sciences 2.0 includes Kenya in the network, thus further promoting dialog between all Bavarian partner countries on the African continent. The Alliance 2.0 is funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery.
- African-German Applied Research Initiative on Agroforestry - Perspectives from Sub-Sahara Africa and Germany (Agroforestry)
The DFG project is pursuing the establishment of an African-German platform for applied research on agroforestry with partner institutions from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Benin and Ghana.
- FAMFISK – Fostering Agricultural Machinery & Food Technology in Senegal & Kenya
The aim of the joint project between HSWT, the Maschinenring Foundation and the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft is to enable Senegalese and Kenyan universities to support the establishment and expansion of machinery rings in Senegal and Kenya. The project is funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery.
- Building Capacity for Climate-Resilient Food Systems in Africa (CaReFoAfrica)
The aim of this EU project is to promote capacity building in the field of climate change adaptation in African agriculture through the training of master and doctoral students.
- Mobility 4 Agricultural International Networks Supporting Thematic Resilience and Enhancing Adaptation and Mitigation (MAINSTREAM)
The project, funded by the European Union, promotes institutional modernization and internationalization reforms in agricultural education and training in Africa at master and doctoral levels, particularly of vulnerable and underrepresented groups, including youth and women.
- Green Futures
The main objective of the Green Futures project is to strengthen and support marginalised groups in the agricultural sector in southern Africa through knowledge transfer and capacity development. The target groups are women, young and smallholder farmers and university students, taking into account gender and role sensitivity. The beneficiary countries of the project include Zambia and South Africa.
- January
Applied sciences as a driving force of innovation in Africa - How can the developmental contribution be supported? This was the topic discussed by the HSWT as a member of the "HAW Afrika" network in the German Bundestag at the end of January.
- February
VP Lorz participates in the side event of the Munich Security Conference 2023 entitled "Inspired by Bavarian and Israeli Resilience: How could developing countries provide food security for their citizens?" organised by Fraunhofer LZSiS, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy and the State of Israel.
- March
A delegation of presidents of Ethiopian universities of applied sciences and representatives of the Ethiopian Ministry of Education visit the Center for International Affairs and sign a cooperation agreement between HSWT and Debre Markos University.
- May
How can we bridge the gap between science and societal needs in the field of agricultural and food systems in Africa? This was the central question of the conference "Science for Impact in Africa", hosted virtually by HSWT as part of the "African Bavarian Alliance for Applied Sciences".
- June
At the invitation of the Center for International Affairs and the B.Life Centre, presidents, vice presidents and professors from partner universities in Ethiopia, Senegal, Tunisia and South Africa, as well as speakers from the German public sector, met for the "African-Bavarian Academy" to discuss various aspects of climate change management in their respective countries. The conference was sponsored by the "African Bavarian Alliance for Applied Sciences".
- July
Several members of the HSWT participate in a networking meeting in South Africa with representatives of the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV and the University of Zambia. The event focused on future cooperation in the agrifood sector and was sponsored by the "African Bavarian Alliance for Applied Sciences".
- September
Representatives of the HSWT participate in the EU-Africa conference "Applied Sciences as drivers for regional innovation ecosystems in Africa" and present the International Master's program in Agricultural Management.
- January
Start of the HAW.International project, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- February
Visit to Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) in Uganda as part of the Technology and Applications Pact (TAP)
- March
Virtual launch event of the African-Bavarian Alliance for Applied Life Sciences
Delegation trip to Senegal within the framework of the African-Bavarian Alliance, including a visit to the partner university USSEIN and the 9th World Water Forum Dakar
- April
Visit of the Tunisian Consul General Mohsen Sebai to the HSWT
- May
Visit to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) and the Yunus Environment Hub team in Kenya as well as Arsi University and Hawassa University in Ethiopia. Representatives of the projects Training Pact with Africa (AmA), Technology and Application Pact (TAP), HAW.International and the Food Startup Incubator Weihenstephan (FSIWS) travelled to Africa.
- June
Meeting with Mahmoud Zouaoui, Head of Cabinet of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as the management of the DAAD office in Tunis and visit to the Université de Tunis El Manar, Université de Carthage as well as Université de Gabès in Tunisia
- August
Delegation trip to South Africa in the framework of the African-Bavarian Alliance
- October
Implementation of the seminar "Improved Use of Natural Resources in Developing Countries" at the Triesdorf Campus with 24 international participants as part of the DAAD Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Alumni Projects.
Delegation trip by Prof. Dr. Carsten Lorz under the management of the Bavarian Minister of State Melanie Huml, MdL to Senegal to sign a cooperation agreement with the Senegalese partner university USSEIN at the German Embassy in Dakar (African-Bavarian Alliance)
Visit of a delegation consisting of representatives of the African Union, the AfCFTA administrative office and the GIZ AfCFTA Support Programme to the HSWT within the framework of the African-Bavarian Alliance.
- December
Stay of four guest researchers from the fields of soil and water from Ethiopia, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia at the HSWT
- February
Approval for the DAAD project TOMATO - Harnessing of Efficient Vegetable and Fruit Production, Processing and Marketing Systems in Ethiopia through Practice Based Education and Participatory Research together with the Universities of Arsi, Bahir Dar and Hawassa in Ethiopia
- May
Virtual Lecturer Swap in the field of land use between HSWT and Debre Markos University within the framework of the Bavarian-Ethiopian Alliance
Visit of the Ambassador of Senegal, H.E. Cheikh Tidiane Sall, together with Ulrich Rieger from the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy at the Weihenstephan Campus
- October
Start of the English-language Master's programme"Farm Management" at the Triesdorf Campus
Two-day virtual conference "The Coffee Value Chain & Higher Education: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice" with experts from Latin America, Ethiopia and Germany as part of the Bavarian-Ethiopian Alliance
Meeting of the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV with the HSWT to explore possibilities for cooperation on projects in Africa.
Foundation of HSWT International School
- February
Visit to partner universities in Ethiopia and Kenya to present the International Master in Agricultural Management programme
- August
Digital launch event for the Technology and Applications Pact with Africa together with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
- May
Launch event of the Training Pact with Africa with Federal Development Minister Dr Gerd Müller
- September/October
Visit to universities in Kenya and Ethiopia by HSWT delegation to establish university partnerships
- October
Start of the Bavarian-Ethiopian Alliance for Applied Life Sciences project
- November
International Rectors' Conference International Future Day - Cooperation Agreements with Arsi, Bahir Dar, JOOUST & Maseno University
- December
Presentation International Master in Agricultural Management at Arsi University in Ethiopia
- May
Start of first postgraduate course "Foodchains in Agriculture
- September
Agreement signed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the HSWT on the promotion of junior staff from Africa and research projects for Africa by Federal Development Minister Dr Gerd Müller
ACQUIN Accreditation of the International Master in Agricultural Management (M.Sc.)
Start of the Global Project Green Innovation Centres in the Agri-Food Sector (GIAE) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as a later basis for the promotion of the Training Pact with Africa by GIZ.
International Master in Agricultural Management as MBA (until 2016)
Start of International Postgraduate Course in Agricultural Management (until 2000)