Studentin lernt im Hofgarten

Before the Study

Information for you about studying at the HSWT

A thousand questions pile up before the first day of the new semester. We help you find your way around the University of Applied Sciences - on site and online.

5 arguments for studying at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf

Which degree programmes can I enrol for?

At HSWT you study in a way that is close to life and practice. That's why it's best to choose your degree programme according to your interests. Use our degree programme finder or click through our range of degree programmes without sorting.

My studies. For our future.

Who can I ask my questions in person?

Do all the suggestions in the programme finder sound exciting? Would you like to know which degree programme fits your profile? Or do you have questions about the application documents or admission requirements?

Eine Person tippt auf einem Laptop.
© Ivory Productions

How do I apply to study at the HSWT?

From admission requirements to enrolment - the road to your first day in the semester demands some bureaucratic effort from you. Here's what you need to know for your application:

HSWT application hotline

Do you have questions about your application? Our students will be happy to help you!

The HSWT application hotline (+49 8161 71-5592) is available Tuesday to Thursday from 12:00 to 18:00 and Friday from 13:00 to 18:00.

The HSWT Campus