• Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Veröffentlichungen der HSWT

Die chronologische Liste zeigt aktuelle Veröffentlichungen aus dem Forschungsbetrieb der Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf. Zuständig ist das Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer (ZFW).

8 Ergebnisse

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder, Reinhold Gutser

    Effect of long-term compost application on physical properties of loamy soils (2003) Seminar Proceedings: "Applying Compost – Benefits and Needs", Brussels, 22. - 23. November 2001 , S. 229-232.

    The benefit of a compost application not only derives from its nutrient effect, also very important is the effect of the supplied organic matter on pedobiological, especially pedophysical characteristics. The change in the pedophysical properties generally results from the cumulated effect of substantial amounts of humus, accumulated over a longer time period. Normally, the soil-improvement effects are more pronounced on sandy soils than on loam soils. However, the latter frequently exhibit problems as regards soil structure and erosion liability. In two field trials, the influence of compost application on pore volume, pore-size distribution and aggregate stability of fertile loess-loam soils was specifically studied (Lamp, 1996).
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder, Reinhold Gutser

    Nutrition potential of biowaste composts (2003) Seminar Proceedings: "Applying Compost – Benefits and Needs", Brussels, 22. - 23. November 2001 , S. 117-128.

    Composts are important nutrient carriers. In Germany alone, with an estimated annual production of about 8 Mt (equivalent to 5 Mt DM), their nutrient potential represents almost 10 % of the phosphate, potash and lime currently applied as mineral fertilizers, as well as about 2.5 % of the mineral-fertilizer N applied in the whole German agriculture. To make efficient use of these nutrient amounts, composts require the targeted application as secondary raw material fertilizers (Gutser, 1997). Therefore, it is the aim of this paper to show the effects of macronutrients contained in biowaste composts, and to deduce general strategies for their use.
  • Reinhold Gutser, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder

    Unvermeidbare Nährstoffverluste aus der Landwirtschaft (2003) Vortrag bei dem ATV-DVWK-Seminar "Diffuse Stoffeinträge in Gewässer aus der Landwirtschaft", 11.-12. November 2003 in Feuchtwangen .

  • Gerhard Baumgärtel, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder, Reinhold Gutser, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hege, Jörg Hüther, Frank Lorenz, Kristian Orlovius, Joachim Pollehn, Dietrich Pradt, Martin Rex, Hans-Peter Wodsak

    Nährstoffverluste aus landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben mit einer Bewirtschaftung nach guter fachlicher Praxis (2003) Bundesarbeitskreis Düngung (BAD) (Hrsg.), Frankfurt/Main .

  • Reinhold Gutser, Ivika Rühling, Ulrich Matthes, Georg Gerl, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder

    Quantifizierung und Bewertung der N-Austräge der ökologisch und integriert bewirtschaftenden Betriebe Scheyerns in Hydro- und Atmosphäre (2003) Vortrag bei dem 115. VDLUFA-Kongress "Zukünftige Anforderungen an Forschung und Untersuchung für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Verbraucher", 15.-19. September 2003 in Saarbrücken .

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder, Karlheinz Weinfurtner, Ludwig Nätscher, Max Kainz, Georg Gerl

    Ermittlung bewirtschaftungsbedingter Veränderung verfügbarer P- und K-Vorräte durch Bodenuntersuchung und Bilanzierung (2003) Vortrag bei dem 115. VDLUFA-Kongress "Zukünftige Anforderungen an Forschung und Untersuchung für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Verbraucher", 15.-19. September 2003 in Saarbrücken .

  • Reinhold Gutser, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder

    Kompostverwertung - Sicherung von Bodenfunktionen (2003) Beitrag zum 64. Informationsgespräch des Arbeitskreises zur Nutzung von Sekundärrohstoffen und für Klimaschutz (ANS) e.V., 8./9. Juli 2003 in Witzenhausen. ANS-Schriftenreihe "Die Zukunft der Getrenntsammlung von Bioabfällen" 44 , S. 111-130.

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder, Reinhold Gutser, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hege, Robert Brandhuber, Prof. Dr. Urs Schmidhalter

    • Berechtigungen:  Peer Reviewed

    Strategies for site-specific nitrogen fertilization with respect to long-term environmental demands (2003) Precision Agriculture, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Hrsg.: Stafford, J. and Werner, A , S. 193-198.

    Long-term field trials were implemented in three regions of Germany, differing in climatic conditions and soil properties, to evaluate different site-specific nitrogen fertilization approaches over several years with regard to N efficiency, yield and environment. The strategies tested were mapping approaches on the basis of site-specific yield potential and spectral information and, alternatively, an on-line approach using the Hydro N sensor. Results from the first year are presented. N efficiency could be increased by mapping approaches on sites with low yield potential. Total yield however was not noticeably affected. Sensor based N application reduced variability in the field but only slightly increased total yield. On the other hand, N efficiency was significantly reduced on shallow soils. The first results indicate that including yield potential in site-specific N recommendation could be an essential step to make plant nutrition more environmentally sound.

Betreuung der Publikationsseiten

Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer - Lageplan in Weihenstephan an der HSWT


Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer
Gebäude H21
Am Staudengarten 9
85354 Freising

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