Studierende der Landschaftsarchitektur planen an einem Modell eine Grünfläche
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Study Landscape Architecture in Weihenstephan

Landscape Architecture

Understanding the environment and designing open spaces - eight semesters will qualify you for the preservation and development of quality of life in cities and landscapes. The degree programme opens the doors to the chambers of architects in Germany.

Your studies in a nutshell
  • Duration  8 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Weihenstephan
  • Semester  Winter semester
Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 19 July 2024

Landscape Architecture - what you can expect during your studies

Landscape Architecture means planning and designing with spatial, environmental, urban and landscape aspects, taking natural resources into account. As part of the Landscape Architecture degree programme, we teach scientific, technical and economic principles, extensive knowledge of plants, complex knowledge of ecosystems and nature conservation, sound and future-oriented expertise in construction technology and construction management and much more.

After a wide-ranging foundation course, you will spend a practical semester in a landscape architecture office, with cities, local authorities or nature conservation organisations. Based on your practical experience, you decide on one of the two specialisations:

  • Landscape planning

  • Open space planning

You will obtain a Bachelor of Engineering by completing a Bachelor's thesis. The regular duration of the Landscape Architecture degree programme is eight semesters. As a result, you can be admitted to the Chamber of Architects in any federal state and call yourself a "landscape architect".

This is what the Landscape Architecture degree programme is all about

Studierende des Studiengangs Landschaftsarchitektur betrachten den Garten.
  • Planning and designing landscapes and open spaces

  • Protection & development of natural resources to safeguard our environment and quality of life

  • Developing strategies to tackle major social challenges, in particular climate change and biodiversity loss

  • Knowledge of ecology, plants & plant use

  • Skills in the areas of design & construction technology, taking into account garden conservation aspects

  • Expertise in planning & design as well as assessing the feasibility of ideas & projects

  • Management skills & networked thinking

  • communicative knowledge & skills, for example to develop plans with those affected or to achieve acceptance for measures in politics & society

  • Teaching application-orientated methods for solving design, ecological and planning problems

Planning & Design: Project examples from the Landscape Architecture programme

Would you like to find out what awaits you in the Landscape Architecture degree programme? Here we present some of the best results from the project work of the students of summer 2021. Have fun watching!

Programme structure: Bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture in eight semesters

The Landscape Architecture degree programme lasts eight semesters in standard study time. It is part of the HSWT degree programmes in Ecology and Environmental Planning and comprises four foundation semesters with many practical elements, one practical semester and two specialisation semesters. The programme always starts in the winter semester on 1 October each year.

The focus of the Landscape Architecture degree programme

In the 6th semester of your Landscape Architecture degree programme, you can choose between the following specialisations:

Changes to the study program

The independent Bachelor's degree course in Green Urban Planning will start in the winter semester 2024/25. Prospective students with an interest in urban planning are therefore recommended to take the new Bachelor's degree course. In the Bachelor's degree course in Landscape Architecture, the specializations in Open Space Planning and Landscape Planning will remain as before. The independent Bachelor's degree course in Green Urban Planning will replace the Urban Planning specialization from winter semester 2024/25 and this specialization will be suspended.

Study Landscape Architecture & then? These are your career opportunities

Our qualified Landscape Architecture alumni make an active contribution to safeguarding and developing the quality of life in cities and landscapes. This is becoming increasingly important, especially in times of global climatic and social change processes, as environmental pollution, digitalisation, new forms of mobility and the increasing complexity of planning and construction processes are changing our living environment on a daily basis.

As landscape architects, they plan and maintain landscape spaces and urban greenery. In the course of this, they work in an interdisciplinary manner with specialists in urban planning and architecture, biology, geology and hydrology, sociology and history. They are committed to the necessary protection of nature, landscape and open spaces against current utilisation demands and develop new habitats for the future - with leading, integrating and responsible key skills in planning processes.

Graduates of the eight-semester Bachelor of Landscape Architecture programme are eligible for admission to the Chamber of Architects in all federal states.

Requirements for the Landscape Architecture degree programme: Preliminary work placement

There are no admission restrictions in the sense of an NC (numerus clausus) for the Landscape Architecture degree programme at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences.

A 4-week compulsory internship must be completed prior to the degree programme. This takes the form of work experience in a (recognised) training company in the field of horticulture and landscaping, a tree nursery or perennial nursery. The form "Certificate of pre-study internship" must be submitted by the end of September.

The preliminary work placement does not have to be completed after completing training in horticulture, tree nurseries, perennial nurseries or agriculture (recognised training companies) or practical training at a German Technical Secondary School (German Technical Secondary School) specialising in agriculture.

Information on the general admission requirements and application for the degree programme can be found on our general pages.

Landscape Architecture in Weihenstephan: Why you are making the right decision with us

  • Comprehensive skills development in the fields of open space planning, landscape planning & urban planning
  • Qualification for the diversity of global climatic & social change processes through late choice of specialisation
  • Active project studies with intensive practical relevance

degree programme ambassador

Porträt von Tamara Spielberger

I'm Tamara Spielberger, a Landscape Architecture student at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf. You can ask me anything about the degree programme, the University of applied sciences and the city of Freising. I will inform you about the requirements, content and structure of the degree programme. I will also be happy to help you with the application process and Preliminary work placement. I will also give you tips on finding accommodation and share my insider knowledge about the Landscape Architecture degree programme with you. I look forward to making your start in student life easier. Feel free to send me an e-mail to

More information about the degree programme
