Studierende der Forstwirtschaft vermessen Bäume im Wald
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  • Study forestry in Weihenstephan

Engineering in Forestry

Understand the forest as an ecosystem - learn to protect it and use it in harmony with nature.

Your studies in a nutshell
  • Duration  7 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Weihenstephan
  • Semester  Winter semester
  • Work  With in-depth practice
Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 15 July 2024

Forestry: what you can expect when studying at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences

The Engineering in Forestry degree programme is as diverse as the forest itself. Whether open-air ecology, silviculture or forest policy and education - our students deal with a complex ecosystem. The Forestry degree programme at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences focuses on the forest habitat, its diverse functions, its recreational value and economic benefits. Your learning success on this degree programme in Ecology and Environmental Planning: professional and social competence through ecological, economic, technical and administrative knowledge.

Your future skills in Engineering in Forestry

The forestry degree programme provides you with the following core skills:

  • Active knowledge of tree species, soils, plants and animals in Central European forests
  • silvicultural and growth-related tools for the management of forests
  • Competent application of current forestry practice methods
  • Reflective application of legal affairs
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Moderation of social demands on the forest
  • Pedagogically sound educational programmes
  • Dealing with customers & stakeholders

In our modern, friendly timber building with excellent facilities, you can expect a challenging degree programme that will make you a sought-after specialist in Forestry.

Contents of your degree programme: Forestry

Fachmann begutachtet den Wald

Forests are complex ecosystems. They provide a habitat for numerous native animal and plant species and are utilised by humans in a variety of ways. They provide clean water, cool air, serve as places for recreation and education and supply renewable resources. Their services are becoming increasingly important in the face of climate change. Wood is valued as an environmentally friendly regional raw material and is used in many areas. Forests and wood products are important carbon stores that can counteract global warming.

The Engineering in Forestry degree programme teaches a basic understanding of the complexity of the forest ecosystem as well as the ability to manage forests sustainably. In our practice-oriented degree programme, we teach you the theoretical principles and practical tools for managing the forest ecosystem. A large number of exercises in our own training forest, the involvement of numerous specialists and educational trips ensure practical relevance. Our degree programme is as diverse as the forest itself: you will acquire a wide range of ecological, economic, technical and social skills.

Study forestry: Programme structure

The Forestry and Engineering in Forestry degree programme comprises six theoretical semesters with many practical elements and a practical semester. You can always start this degree programme in the winter semester on 1 October each year. In addition to the compulsory modules, you can choose six further modules from our wide range of electives and required elective modules. This will give your degree programme a personal profile. After completing your Bachelor's degree, you can expand your knowledge in a Master's degree programme.

How the HSWT ensures learning success in the forestry degree programme

Teaching facilities of the Forestry department

In the modern building of the Forestry department, you will find not only good lecture halls and seminar rooms but also special facilities that guarantee our students an optimal working environment.

Studying Forestry: Your career prospects

Fachfrau mit Hund und Unterlagen im Wald

The forest as a recreational area, sustainable resource and habitat for many plant and animal species offers a wide range of design options in times of climate change: Many of our graduates manage a forest area as foresters. Their task is to manage the special demands on the forest so that it can fulfil them in the long term. The professional spectrum ranges from nature conservation, landscape management, timber management and hunting to forest and environmental education. Forest engineers work in forestry companies, authorities or associations. They work in management and executive positions or take care of public relations as creative strategists.

You can take on the following tasks after completing the Bachelor's degree programme in Engineering in Forestry:

  • Management of forestry operations (districts) of all types of forest ownership
  • Management of corporate and private forests
  • Specialised & consulting tasks
  • Management tasks in state forest enterprises
  • Management of forest management associations & forest owner associations
  • Management of forestry associations & organisations
  • Activities in the mobilisation, provision & logistics of timber resources
  • Activities in the timber industry
  • Activities in nature conservation, Environmental Engineering, landscape management & resource management
  • Engineering activities in forestry companies & planning offices
  • Engineering tasks in international technical cooperation projects
  • Forestry expertises
  • Activities in forest education & environmental education
  • Engineering activities in application-orientated research & science
  • Activities in hunting management & game management
  • Technical management of forestry seed & plant nurseries & affiliated service companies

Optional: Forestry degree programme with intensive practical work

In addition to your Bachelor's degree in Engineering in Forestry at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, you will have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with all facets of Germany's largest forestry company at the Bavarian State Forestry (BaySF ). In two and a half years of dual study, you will pass through various stations at BaySF. During the entire dual study programme, you will be supported by a mentor at BaySF. In your final thesis, you will deal with a topic relevant to the company, which we will determine together in consultation with the University of Applied Sciences. You will spend the lecture-free periods as practical phases at Bavarian State Forestry companies. The lecture periods take place at the HSWT, as in the regular degree programme.

  • Our dual study programme starts in the third semester of Engineering in Forestry at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in Freising.
  • Students in the second semester of the Bachelor's degree programme in Engineering in Forestry can apply.
  • After the application deadline, we will review the applications and invite potential candidates to the selection process for the degree programme.

Contact persons for the degree programme with in-depth practical experience

Why you are making the right decision with us

Students studying Engineering in Forestry benefit from

  • from a consistent practical orientation that makes the sustainable care and use of the forest tangible - be it in the neighbouring training forest or during field internships at home and abroad.
  • from the scientific exchange in the "Forest-Forestry-Wood" competence centre at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, which is unique in Europe, in cooperation with other institutions on campus.
  • the possibility of completing the degree programme as a dual course with intensive practical work.

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