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Study Agriculture in Triesdorf

Agriculture Triesdorf

Getting a taste of the countryside while studying - at the Triesdorf campus, Agriculture students spend their mornings in the lecture theatre and their afternoons in the milk production centre.

Your studies in a nutshell
  • Duration  7 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Triesdorf
  • Semester  Winter semester
  • Work  Work-study programme in the form of combined studies / Dual
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 2 August 2024

Agriculture at the Triesdorf site with two study programmes

The Agriculture degree programme in Triesdorf qualifies students for the sustainable production of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs as well as for the management of agricultural businesses. It also prepares them for management tasks in the Agriculture value chain and in the rural service economy. The University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf looks beyond the individual farm - in particular at ecological, social and ethical aspects. This clearly demonstrates our commitment to making agricultural production sustainable.

The HSWT offers the Agriculture degree programme with two different fields of study at its campus in Middle Franconia: By offering conventional and organic Agriculture in parallel, students take half of the course together. This promotes communication between the Agriculture students as well as an understanding of the different study approaches.

With a Bachelor's degree from Triesdorf, Agriculture alumni can pursue independent careers as managers in the agricultural sector and related industries. Thanks to the practice-orientated scientific teaching, students have extensive skills in Agricultural Engineering, production, business management and agricultural business management.

Students on the Bachelor's degree programme in Agriculture in Triesdorf acquire the following skills, among others:

  • Development, evaluation and implementation of sustainable crop production systems and species-appropriate and environmentally friendly animal husbandry systems
  • Evaluation & implementation of adapted Agricultural Engineering solutions
  • Agriculture business planning, organisation & economic evaluation of investments
  • Expertise in accounting, taxes, law & business IT applications
  • Expertise in the optimal marketing of Agriculture goods & the development of new business branches
  • Product management, marketing & sales of agribusiness offers
  • Analysing and evaluating political measures and legal affairs in the field of Agriculture and nutrition

These study contents await you when studying in Triesdorf

Bachelorstudierende auf einem Feld in Triesdorf

The Bachelor's degree in Agriculture focuses on the starting point of the food value chain: the programme provides insights into the production and quality assurance of food and basic nutritional ingredients. After gaining a broad knowledge of production technology and agricultural economics and extensive practical experience, you decide on a specialisation:

1. "Agriculture"

In the "Agriculture" specialisation, four core subjects offer the opportunity to develop an individual profile:

  • Plant production
  • Animal production
  • Agricultural economics
  • Marketing & Management in Agriculture

2. "Organic Agriculture"

Students who choose the "Organic Agriculture" specialisation will be comprehensively qualified in all essential production, economic and legal affairs - from soil to plants and animals, from the European legal framework to the economic, ecological and social evaluation of processes.

In the final semesters, students can choose from a wide range of compulsory elective modules to create their own individual profile.

Study structure Agriculture at the University of Applied Sciences in Triesdorf

The programme takes theoretical and practical content into account in equal measure - students apply theory directly in field trials, in the animal husbandry school or in the agricultural machinery school on the Triesdorf campus. In addition to specialised knowledge, students acquire additional social and methodological skills to promote personal development as part of an integrated range of courses. As in the other agricultural science degree programmes, the teaching staff at HSWT encourage teamwork in interdisciplinary courses and project work. After the 2nd semester, you decide whether you want to specialise in "Agriculture " or "Organic Agriculture".

Career prospects in Agriculture after studying in Triesdorf


With the Bachelor's degree, you will acquire an application-oriented, scientifically sound, professionally qualifying degree that will enable you to take on particularly demanding specialist and management tasks in the field of Agriculture. Depending on your individual profile, the degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf prepares you for the following tasks:

  • Business management in Agriculture, agribusiness or rural services, founding & managing new branches of business.
  • Self-help organisations in Agriculture: producer and machinery rings, cooperatives
  • Product development & product consulting in the agricultural sector
  • Agricultural trade & marketing
  • Agricultural, environmental & regional consulting in state and private institutions & associations
  • Research & development, experimentation

The Agriculture degree programme in Triesdorf deliberately goes beyond the narrower field of agricultural production and thus responds to the demands of future jobs. There are also rapidly growing career opportunities for Agriculture students in neighbouring specialist areas of Agriculture, e.g. in the fields of

  • Digitalisation in domestic & foreign trade
  • Renewable energies
  • Development of rural areas
  • Business start-ups
  • Rural tourism & social services
  • Direct & regional marketing
  • Aquaculture
  • communication
  • Personnel management & counselling
  • Land use & climate protection

Dual study programme in Agriculture: Your options at the Triesdorf campus

The Bachelor's degree programme in Agriculture (Triesdorf) can also be completed in a dual system. As part of a work-study programme in the form of combined studies, it is possible to acquire both the academic degree "Bachelor of Science" and the training qualification as a "farmer" within four and a half years.

Contact for the dual study programme

Studying Agriculture in Triesdorf: You should fulfil these requirements

The general requirements for university admission apply to applications for the degree programme. There are no admission restrictions in the sense of an NC (numerus clausus).

A six-week Preliminary work placement on an Agriculture farm prepares you for the degree programme. This requirement will give you a good start to the application-orientated degree course in Agriculture.

Why you should do your Bachelor's degree in Agriculture in Triesdorf

  • Practical, comprehensive & up-to-date
  • Embedded in a unique educational centre, the Triesdorf campus not only offers a course of study about Agriculture, but in Agriculture: the latest Agricultural Engineering, state-of-the-art animal husbandry and plant cultivation test fields are just a few minutes' walk from the lecture halls and shed light on a wide variety of agricultural systems of the future.
  • The course is also offered as a work-study programme in the form of combined studies. This concludes with a double qualification: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) with a vocational qualification as a farmer.

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Further study programmes

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