Das B.Life Centre der HSWT arbeitet aktiv an den Themen Klimawandel und klimaneutrale Landnutzung.
  • Knowledge centre for climate-neutral and sustainable land use

B.Life Centre

As a virtual knowledge centre, the B.Life Centre works on the long-term national and international networking of science, business and society to actively advance climate protection.

What is the B.Life Centre at the HSWT?

In the B.Life Centre, the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT) concentrates its broad methodological and technical expertise in the fields of climate change and climate-neutral land use. Researchers and teachers develop practical, interdisciplinary and regional solutions for securing economic and living space - in Bavaria and beyond its borders.

Our vision

Goals & Tasks of the B.Life Centre

The long-term safeguarding of livelihoods in harmony with the economy and society

As an interdisciplinary, strongly application-oriented knowledge centre,  the B.Life focuses on climate-neutral and sustainable land use. The centre aims to make an essential contribution to securing our livelihoods and, above all, to preserve them for future generations. At the same time, it is necessary to advance the sustainable transformation of the economy and society and to protect ecosystems and resources.

B.Life provides directly applicable knowledge on these topics for politics, economy and society - and advises on their use and implementation. The experts of the knowledge centre develop sustainable measures and implement them in cooperation with various social actors.

The B.Life Centre sees itself as a central platform where activities and multilateral knowledge transfer in research, teaching and further education converge at regional, national and international levels.


Tasks of B.Life:

  • Providing knowledge and stimulating exchange
  • Promoting inter- and transdisciplinarity
  • Bundling activities
  • Advising politics, economy, society
  • Promoting social acceptance and transformation
  • Developing measures for climate-friendly management
  • Strengthening innovation and knowledge transfer

The three spheres of the B.Life Centre

Land use

B.Life deals with all topics related to climate-neutral and sustainable land use.

Climate change

B.Life bundles the activities of the HSWT in the areas of climate protection and adaptation as well as sustainability.


B.Life contributes to the sustainable transformation of society and the economy.

Added value for the University of Applied Sciences & society

Towards climate neutrality and climate-friendly business, the B.Life Centre interlinks all necessary areas. This results in synergy effects for scientific and non-scientific stakeholders.

Added value for the university of applied sciences & research

Researchers and teachers at the HSWT benefit from B.Life in the following areas:

  • Developing ideas: mutual support in project acquisition and joint development of research ideas
  • Enabling research: Support in raising third-party funds or in finding financing options.
  • Raising awareness: Raise awareness of HSWT issues among the general public, towards politics and the business community, thus contributing to transformation.
  • Match-making - science meets practice: bringing together cooperation partners from business and administration with the HSWT.
  • Best practice examples: Jointly develop lighthouse projects and achieve climate goals, thus strengthening Bavaria's pioneering role.

Added value for society and the economy

Overall, B.Life is to develop and implement measures for climate-friendly business and strengthen the living and economic space with applicable and innovative solutions. B.Life triggers a knowledge and technology transfer that leads to

  • The general acception of climate protection and adaptation measures,
  • The establishment of behavioural and consumption patterns in society, such as eating habits, are reconsidered and changed, and
  • The wide application of new climate-friendly solutions, technologies and innovations.

Focal points in the B.life Centre

The B.Life Centre combines research, study and teaching, further education, internationalisation and a climate-friendly campus. The virtual centre works closely with the central academic institutions of the HSWT.



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