
Office of the president of the University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf

The President's Office (PB) team supports the president, the university management and the university bodies in all strategic issues, communication and coordination matters.

Composition of the President's Office of the HSWT

The office of the president, under the management of the president 's personal assistant, is a staff unit of the university management and consists of five areas as well as the president's antechamber. The President's Antechamber takes care of general administration and the President's appointment coordination.

PB1 - University Planning, Strategy & University Committees

PB1 is responsible for advising on higher education policy, strategy and principles, as well as for the management of the University Executive Board and the Extended University Executive Board.

PB2 - University Communication

The University Communications team acts as an interface between the public and the University of applied sciences and coordinates the public relations work of the HSWT.

PB3 - Gender & Diversity

The Gender and Diversity Team creates the framework for learning, working and living together by promoting equal opportunities at HSWT. We develop strengths from diversity.

PB4 - Environmental Management & Sustainability

HSWT is committed to sustainability in its operations. Through its certified sustainability management system, it constantly keeps an eye on its impact on people and the environment.

With the introduction of an environmental management system, HSWT already placed its focus on environmental and climate protection in 2014. In the course of this, the Green Office was also created: Students run the sustainability office to implement students' ideas and concerns on the way to becoming a sustainable University of applied sciences.

PB 5 - Management Centre University of applied sciences Bavaria - BayZeN

The Centre University and Sustainability Bavaria (BayZeN) improves the framework conditions for sustainable development and climate protection with and through the Bavarian universities of applied sciences.

Area of responsibility:

  • Platform for overall institutional networking and cooperation for the implementation of sustainability and climate protection in the fields of action research, teaching, operations, transfer, student initiatives and governance.
  • Support & advice for universities of applied sciences in the implementation and structural anchoring of sustainability and climate protection.
  • Interested parties will find various networking and exchange formats as well as working groups in all fields of action.
  • The network works closely with the student representation in Bavaria (LAK Bayern).
Lageplan der Gebäude A am Campus Weihenstephan.


University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Office of the president
Building A6
Am Hofgarten 4
85354 Freising