• Getting better together

Strategic development & quality management

The University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf pursues continuous development in order to systematically maintain the high quality of study and teaching. To this end, we provide our departments with professional and methodological support.

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Why quality management at HSWT?

Based on our responsibility for high quality in teaching and learning, we at the University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf focus on transparency throughout. The goal is a holistic system as well as sustainability of the processes. The HSWT uses the instruments and methods of QM to develop clear strategies and goals. Strengths, weaknesses as well as necessary improvements at the University of applied sciences are implemented together so that suitable systems are created for the needs of the HSWT.

Quality management at HSWT means in a nutshell:

  • Identification of improvement potentials & examination of their feasibility

  • self-critical assessment of the role as a "learning organisation" that is continuously developing itself further

  • Evaluation of the existing processes with regard to the needs of the students

  • Consideration of suggestions, ideas & complaints

What instruments does HSWT use for quality assurance?

The continuous development of HSWT is based on the following aspects of quality management:
