• Prof. Dr Swantje Duthweiler

Chair for Plant Use

The chair for plant use includes the conception and planning of plantings with woody plants, perennials, summer flowers and flower bulbs. The purview extends from the teaching of plant science knowledge to plant planning designs from the settlement area to the open landscape, from preliminary design to implementation planning, from plan presentation to practical implementation, planting and maintenance. Particular emphasis is placed on teaching knowledge of species and varieties (dendrology, herbaceous perennials, etc.) in a practical manner.

In addition to site-related, spatial, aesthetic and maintenance factors, aspects such as the appropriateness of the plant selection and detailing of the planting are also essential for the site ("genius loci"). In teaching and research, both traditionally static planting images and changing, processually dynamic planting concepts are developed, which actively include the factor of time.

In addition to the herbaceous perennial garden, the teaching and experimental garden of the Landscape Architecture Department with teaching construction sites and areas for practical experiments is also available to students as an important field of teaching and experience.


Research topics

  • Vegetation concepts for urban restructuring
  • Process-oriented, dynamic planting concepts with woody plants, perennials and summer flowers according to site-specific, aesthetic and maintenance factors
  • Seeding of summer flowers and extensification of alternating vegetation
  • Historical plant use

Research Projects