• Duration: 01.05.2020 – 31.12.2022
  • : Land use
  • Research status:  Closed

Behaviour of cattle in case of fire and strategies for evacuation and first aid at the scene of an accident (Regroba)


Project objective

The intention of this project was to develop strategies concerning the evacuation of cattle, based on the assessment of animal behaviour during barn fires. Possible causes and potential risks of fires in cattle husbandry, as well as circumstances with regard to evacuation were reviewed. Accordingly, it was decided to concentrate research on the housing of dairy cattle first, lowering risks to the animals in conducting experimental evacuating trials, since dairy cattle usually are used to being handled. Following, results can be applied to developing specific strategies for the evacuation of beef cattle. To develop a practical rescue concept for dairy cattle, existing fire protection concepts of livestock barns and horse stables were analysed and literature about the avoidance behaviour of cattle was reviewed. In addition, experts in animal ethology were interviewed and reports of fire brigades about barn fires were collected. During the research, gaps in knowledge were revealed, about animal behaviour while barn fires, how to prepare emergency exits and concerning instructions for rescue services. To generate additional data and to assess the course of past barn fires, an online survey was conducted with 950 participating fire fighters and farmers, who experienced barn fires before. Hypotheses were formulated, about the ideal design of emergency exists for cattle, based on the existing literatur, the interviews of experts and field reports of past barn fires. To verify the hypotheses, an experiment was conducted, evacuating cattle at night in collaboration with the fire brigade. The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board of Regierung Oberbayern.

Project results

Extensive data was aquired in the online survey, allowing for indications about factors influencing the succes of animal evacuation. Organizational fire prevention measures are to be underlined, especially concerning the collaboration between fire brigades and farmers, with the objective of improved preparedness by site inspections and fire drills. The need of fire brigades for training concerning handling livestock and the adaption of operational tactics at barn fires was revealed. Hypotheses about the ideal design of emergency exits were verified in an experimental evacuation study, evacuating a group of cattle, which were unhabituated to leaving the barn, in less than one minute. Additionally the positive impact of habituating cattle to pasture on their behaviour during evacuation was demonstrated. Based on the results of the study recommendations for preparing emergency exits and remote fenced areas were summarised in guidelines. These allow farmers to evaluate their individual concept for evacuating cattle, identifying challenges, potential deficiencies and possible improvements. Farmers, fire fighters and veterinarians showed considerable interest in these results. The press inquired regulary and the results were presented in numerous articles, interviews and seminars. During the project a Bachelor and a Master thesis was supervised and a doctroal thesis was submitted. A lively exchange within an interprofessional network of partner organisations was initiated to promote the topic.



Evakuierung von Milchrindern im Brandfall - Gestaltung von Rettungswegen

Doctoral candidate
TA Florian Diel
Research focus
Weitere Forschungsfelder
Time period
01.06.2020 – 30.09.2023
Scientific supervisor HSWT (HSWT)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Eva Zeiler

Project lead (HSWT)


Lead of collaborative projects (external)

Workpackage lead (external)

External project participation


Adressierte SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)