NIAP | Networking for increasing agricultural productivity and food chain effectiveness (Netzwerkarbeit zur Steigerung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktivität und Effizienz der Lebensmittel-Wertschöpfungsketten)
Die landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und die Bereitstellung von ausreichenden, gesunden und nachhaltig produzierten Lebensmitteln ist zu einem maßgeblichen Teil von der Qualität und der Effizienz der von den jeweiligen Bildungssystemen ausgebildeten Experten abhängig. Das wichtigste und grundlegende Ziel ist es, die die Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Bevölkerung zu verbessern. Hierfür erweitert das Projekt bereits bestehende Kooperationen von vier relevanten Partnerinstitutionen durch zwei Workshops.
Zielsetzungen des Projekts
- Verbesserung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktivität und Effizienz von Lebensmittel-Wertschöpfungsketten durch die Förderung der Entwicklung und Erweiterung institutioneller Strukturen - Interregionales Zusammenarbeiten von landwirtschaftlichen Hochschulen - Publikation und Verbreitung der Ergebnisse
English Version
The project is based on existing cooperation between HSWT and Wroclaw, HSWT and CSUK as well as between CSUK and KKU. The project enhances the existing network to four relevant partner institutions in the field of agricultural production and food. The major objective is to improve the living conditions of the rural population by increasing sustainable the agricultural productivity and food availability in the rural areas. All the partner institutions are working in the field of agricultural education and formation by offering study courses in agriculture and food fields. The approaches are different. Study courses along the whole food chain are still missing. The project has the objective to improve this situation by identification of suitable elements to close gaps along study courses along the food chain. Such elements could be common projects of students of study courses e.g. agriculture, food stuff management and nutrition. Additionally practice oriented elements in education and formation are crucial. The project also aims to improve the knowledge and usability of such elements in education. All participants prepare relevant information about the approaches and situation of their own institution as well as about an important food chain. In two workshops, one in Germany, one in Cambodia, experts from all partner institutions discuss possibilities for improvement. The results of the projects will be published. Main Problem/Problem Situation The agricultural productivity and the provision of sufficient, healthy and sustainable produced food depends to a notable extent of the quality and efficiency of experts trained by the education systems. A major problem is that the systems are often not able to provide urgently needed agricultural specialists for management, consulting, education and research to secure an agricultural production that is high productive and environmentally sustainable. The major objective is to improve the living conditions of the rural population by increasing sustainable the agricultural productivity and food availability in the rural areas. All the partner institutions are working in the field of agricultural education and formation by offering study courses in agriculture and food fields. The approachens are different. Study courses along the whole food chain are still missing. The project has the objective to improve this situation by identification of suitable elements to close gaps along study courses along the food chain. Such elements could be common project of students of study courses e. g. agriculture, food stuff management and nutrition. Additionally practice oriented elements in education and formation are crucial. The project also aims to improve the knowledge and usability of such elements in education. In two workshops, one in Germany, one in Cambodia, experts from all partner institutions discuss possibilities for improvement.