• Duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2025
  • : Land use

Inside the black box of N cycling: resolving N release from slurry to cropland soil through Energy fluxes and Organic Matter turnover (NEOM)

The NEOM project aims to incorporate bioenergetic approaches and the quantification of different organic nitrogen pools into nitrogen cycling to advance the understanding of the fate of organic nitrogen in soil systems. A diverse team expertise works with a novel agro-experimental model system using soil from a field experiment. All efforts are centered in practice-oriented questions surrounding the turnover of nitrogen bound in organic matter of slurry into crop-available nitrogen forms, nitrogen efficiency and losses, and their prediction by a method (Electro-ultrafiltration, EUF) widely spread in agricultural consultation. With this project, we aim to benchmark the combined approaches and introduce a novel mechanistic understanding of nitrogen mineralization from slurry in agroecosystems.

Workpackage lead HSWT


Lead of collaborative projects (external)

Workpackage lead (external)
