Acer triflorum - Three-flowered Maple

Tree sponsor: Support group of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf e.V.

Gezeichnetes Blatt von Dreiblütiger Ahorn, Acer triflorum
Die Baum-Paten von Dreiblütiger Ahorn, Acer triflorum
Prof. Dr. Michael Goecke and Rolf Lynen for the Support Group of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf e.V.
Junger Baum Dreiblütiger Ahorn, Acer triflorum

Distribution: Northeast China, Manchuria and North Korea.

Size: 5 to 7 metres high, 8 to 9 metres wide

Leaves: deciduous, opposite, trifoliate, leaves elongated, 4 to 10 cm long, yellow to fiery orange-red colour in autumn

Bark: stems and branches dark cinnamon-red

Astwerk von Dreiblütiger Ahorn, Acer triflorum
Blattwerk von Dreiblütiger Ahorn, Acer triflorum
Bild des Stamms von Dreiblütiger Ahorn, Acer triflorum