Eine Straße in Australien mit einem Schild, das vor Kiwis warnt
© Barbara Lilly

Study & Work Abroad

Ways Abroad

Subject-related stays abroad are enriching - both professionally and personally. The International Office provides advice and support for study or internship semesters abroad as well as for staff mobility and guest lectureships.

Study, Research & Work Abroad

Stays abroad are educational. They teach language skills and contribute to personal development and professional qualification. They make it possible to get to know other ways of life and to see one's own country from a different perspective.

At the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, many paths lead abroad. The International Office supports students and staff in planning and implementing their stay abroad. Study abroad, do an internship, teach or further your education - the following pages provide information for all these possibilities.

Studierende zeigen auf eine Landkarte.
© Ivory Productions

Stays Abroad for Students

Students can find detailed information and tips on planning a study-related stay abroad here.

Eine Dozentin erklärt internationalen Studierenden einen Plan.
© Ivory Productions

Stays Abroad for Staff

Teachers and other staff of the University of Applied Sciences also have the opportunity to work abroad or gain new experience with the support of the university.

Ein Studierender zeigt einer Kommilitonin das International Office.

Funding Opportunities

Students in particular are dependent on financing opportunities if they want to complete a stay abroad during their studies.


University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
International Office, Funding and Career Service (IFC)
Building C4
Weihenstephaner Berg 5
85354 Freising