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Diversity: Contacts, Projects & Events

This is how we live diversity at the HSWT

The HSWT stands for openness and equal opportunities for all employees and students. It promotes these values and goals through concrete projects, offers and services regarding inclusion and diversity.

Challenge "Inclusion & Diversity" at the HSWT

In the university development plan of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, "inclusion and diversity" is named as one of the challenges of the HSWT. Our strategic goals concerning diversity until 2025 are:

  • We create awareness of the importance of social competencies and social responsibility.
  • We make the University of Applied Sciences a shared place of learning and working through lived values and norms.
  • We live a culture of respect, appreciation, openness, equal opportunities and diversity.
  • We promote the compatibility of family and career through the family-friendly University of Applied Sciences.


Diversity projects at the HSWT

Disability & Inclusion

HSWT offers services to students with impairments, chronic illness or other special needs:

  • Advice on individual examination conditions
  • Advice on suitable accommodation

Contact to the inclusion officer

The representative for severely disabled persons promotes the integration of severely disabled persons into the company or department, represents their interests in the company or department and provides them with advice.


The acronym LGBTTIQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersexual and queer. The + covers people who do not identify with the labels and offers the possibility to include their definition of self-identification. The English acronym LGBTQI+ is also commonly used. It stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersexual.

The HSWT is a place where people from different nations come together, learn and work together. Diversity of cultural and ethnic background, age, gender, sexual orientation and identity, mental and physical abilities and individual living and working circumstances strengthens our community. We can only achieve the highest performance when everyone is independent to be themselves.

The HSWT's commitment to diversity and inclusion is central to an open-minded, open culture. Focusing on the health and well-being of our employees and students, we create a working and learning environment where each individual - regardless of their background - feels they belong and can give their best. As part of our diversity activities, we also accept the dgti supplementary ID card as a basis for changing the data in our student database.

"When I came out, I was often told that belonging to the LGBTQ+ community was normal. However, I know from my own experience that - in some contexts - it is difficult to out a relationship that does not conform to the heteronormative ideal. For me, HSWT's work on LGBTQ+ is an important step in showing appreciation to students of all sexual orientations and gender identities."

Statement of a student

Successful auditing of the HSWT: LGBTIQ+ Campus Index

With the audit, the participating universities of applied sciences show that they promote LGBTIQ+ inclusive and appreciative campus cultures to a particular degree. Across all joining types of higher education institutions, the HSWT ranks 13th in the Audit Campus Index LGBTIQ+ (submission of data: 23.03.2021) with a total score of 63.3%! If we only look at the universities of applied sciences, we even take 2nd place after TH Deggendorf! In total, 17 out of 62 universities of applied sciences achieved a score above 60 %. Comparing all participating universities of applied sciences, we performed almost 20 % better than the average.

"It is in our interest to attract the best talents on the market. It shouldn't matter what sexual orientation or gender identity someone has - that's how innovation happens."

Prof. Dr. Carsten Lorz
Vice President for International Affairs & Diversity