Storytelling-Video of African Postgraduate

Die Köpfe der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer sowie von Vortragenden wurden digital auf das Foto eines Hörsaals montiert, so dass es so aussieht, als säßen die Leute in einem Hörsaal.

Network Africa aims to help develop a society of knowledge in African countries, as the core facet of a stable and functioning society and as the basis for a successful business location. This should help pave the way to creating new jobs, supporting small-scale farming operations in their efforts to sustainably increasing production and income, and shifting value creation to rural areas of Africa. For this reason, we are happy to receive videos from the alumni of the postgraduate training course in which they share their achievements, ideas and successes of their study project realizations in their home country. Around 25 alumni have shared their stories via videos.

Please find the Storytelling-Video of Mr. Solomon Akamiti from Ghana by clicking on this link.

  • Location: Accra and Konongo, Ghana
  • Education: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Science, Master of Science in Agribusiness Management
  • Current position: Farm General Manager and Agribusiness Consultant (Soteria Farms Limited and Farm-Ex Services Limited)

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