Development of an automated decision-making aid for resource-saving and efficient irrigation in Horticulture and Agriculture with the aim of optimizing water distribution and nitrogen utilization
The aim of the project was to further optimize the use of water as a valuable resource in Agriculture and horticultural production, including with regard to more efficient nitrogen fertilization. It is necessary to offer production companies practical and flexible solutions in order to be able to react to the consequences of climate change, the increased demands of the market and the changed legal affairs from an economic and ecological point of view. Some of the methods used to date are too imprecise or are not accepted by users due to their complexity and the effort involved in maintenance and operation. Simplification and improvement is required in practice. Another goal was to objectify the sometimes heated discussions through information and communication and to reduce existing conflicts through a better mutual understanding between all stakeholders (e.g. the public, authorities, Agriculture).
Irrigation in Agriculture and Horticulture has come under massive public criticism in recent years. A lack of summer precipitation had to be compensated for by supplementary irrigation, which resulted in falling groundwater levels. As a result, legal restrictions were imposed on water extraction. Increasing water consumption due to the need for additional irrigation when growing vegetables and intensive crops and the growing consumer demand for regionally produced goods are often at odds with increasing water scarcity. Agriculture and Horticulture also contribute to the nitrate pollution of groundwater. One of the most common causes of this is nitrate leaching onto land following water shortages or incorrect irrigation. Existing concepts for situation-appropriate irrigation control have so far met with little acceptance in practice, so there is a need for further research, development and knowledge transfer due to the scale of the problem. Due to progress in the field of IT and communication technology, significant improvements can be expected with reasonable effort.

Based on previous experience, special consideration must be given to regional and individual farm requirements and techniques. In the nationwide "MoDeN" project, it was determined that an improvement in distribution accuracy must be sought, especially in the case of widespread pipe irrigation with circular sprinklers. Uneven irrigation over the area produces inhomogeneous crop stands and yield losses due to sub-areas with water shortages or N deficiencies due to seepage and the transfer of nitrate to the groundwater. As a result, in practice more irrigation and more fertilizer is applied than would be necessary with homogeneous water distribution. Irrigation must therefore also be seen in close connection with the nitrate problem. An important task is to offer solutions for all practice-relevant systems (pipe irrigation, "Rollornat", linear and pivot systems, drip irrigation) both in the area of water distribution and in the area of control. The aim is to support the farmer in crop planning, coordination of irrigation applications, irrigation control and automation, water distribution and documentation.
Utilization of the results
The target groups are primarily companies, company associations (e.g. water associations) and the association's advisory service. The project will also involve coordination with the specialist authorities responsible for water management (State Office for the Environment, water management authorities). The knowledge gained will be evaluated in the experimental farms of the HSWT and the LWG and, above all, in practical farms, preferably in the priority areas. The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Landtechnik und Landwirtschaftliches Bauwesen in Bayern e.V. (ALB), the Bavarian Institute of Agriculture (LfL) with its website and open-minded private service providers will integrate these findings into their software products and thus ensure that the results are utilized. The "Irrigation Forum" set up in 2019 will be actively involved in communication.
Journal articles