- Address
Steingruberstraße 2
91746 Weidenbach - Functions
Subject advisor for the degree programmes Climate Neutral Energy Systems, Technology of Renewable Energies and Master's in Environmental Engineering Triesdorf
Head of the Laboratory for Physics E.114
- Climate Neutral Energy Systems, Engineering Water Management (Lecture)
Physics I
- Climate-neutral energy systems (practical course)
Physics II
- Environmental Engineering (Lecture)
Core subjects Renewable Energies
Technical Fundamentals of Renewable Energies
- Technology of Renewable Energies, Environmental Engineering (Seminar)
Seminar on energy efficiency and renewable energies
- Technology of Renewable Energies, Environmental Engineering, Technology of Renewable Energies, Engineering Water Management (Seminar)
Current issues in philosophy and physics
- Environmental Engineering
Focus on energy efficiency
Energy efficiency in buildings
Focus on Simulation and Measurement
Thermal systems
- Energy Management and Technology
Solar systems
Teaching areas
Physics, Renewable Energies, Energy Efficiency
Supervised diploma, bachelor and master theses
"Determination of rolling noise of a metro vehicle based on computational investigations and subsequent verification on a metro vehicle of newer design"; A.Just; 2006
"Ecological and economic evaluation as a basis for the planning of a large photovoltaic system"; K.Reckziegel; 2006
"Modelling of fermentation processes"; M. Pelz; 2006
"Noise analysis in passenger cars"; M. Rindfleisch; 2006
"Waste heat utilisation in fuel cell systems"; K. Ottmann; 2007
"Description and dimensioning of plant systems for solar cooling"; U. Hamm; 2007
"Solar heating support via heat pumps - ground storage systems"; C. Balzer; 2007
"Simulation and optimisation of a solar thermal system - TRNSYS"; K. Memmel; 2007
"Heat pump heating systems comparison of the brine-water deep probe with the CO2 deep probe"; Mira Giourges; 2007
"Heat pump heating based on practical examples"; Sabine Winterstetter; 2008
"Planning and analysis of a pilot system for heating a building via a geothermal pendulum storage tank with solar regeneration by heat removal from photovoltaic modules and electricity generation to operate the heat pump via photovoltaic modules"; Kay Kundmüller, 2009
"Building simulation with TRNSYS"; Thiemo Priesnitz; 2009
"Determination of the energy balance of a tram vehicle on the basis of computational investigations of the individual systems and vehicle components, and subsequent detailed investigation of potential improvements"; Christian Beer; 2009
"Evaluation of existing solar air systems"; Christian Riedl; 2009
"Energy balancing of the Benedictine monastery in Peramiho energy saving potentials as well as prospects for the contribution of renewable energies to the substitution of fossil energy sources"; Maximilian Mai; 2009
"Laboratory measurement of the coefficient of performance on a heat pump measuring stand"; Philipp Münzel; 2009
"Characterisation of PV modules with infrared measurement technology to investigate the temperature behaviour of defective modules in operation"; Dominik Schlegel; 2010
"Metrological evaluation of solar-assisted heat pump systems"; Ann-Kathrin Schäfer; 2010
"Modelling of solar assisted heat pump systems in TRNSYS"; Markus Rempfer; 2010
"Sound measurement at biogas plants"; Corinna Torscht; 2010
"Evaluation criteria for planned offshore wind farms in Germany"; Christian Walther; 2011
"Building simulation with TRNSY using the example of the new office building of the company. Aprovis"; Andreas Buchner; 2011
"Analysis of a geothermal plant - costs, planning, construction and operation management"; Tobias Schlenk; 2011
"Energetic refurbishment of the Pestalozzi school in Aschaffenburg-Schweinheim"; Helge Pfingst; 2011
"Potential analysis of solar energy generation in the district of Bamberg"; Tobias Herdeg; 2011; Master's thesis
"Evaluation of a large-scale solar thermal system using Polysun 5.8"; Martin Neubert; 2012
"Comparison of a latent heat storage medium with water"; Stefan Walter; 2012
"Comparison of variants - local heating network with heat storage"; Andreas Schuster; 2012
"Simulation of a solar building using TRNSYS 17"; Martin Schneider; 2012
"Investigation to increase the energy efficiency of a heat treatment plant"; Benjamin Gehring; 2012
"Optimisation of the energy controlling system IngSoft InterWatt with subsequent energy consumption analysis in an energy-intensive company"; Georg Geisenberger; 2013
"Energetic consideration of a CO2-controlled ventilation system"; Frederik Banis; 2013
"Simulation and assessment of energetic refurbishment measures using an optimisation algorithm"; Florian Daiß; 2013
"Comparative evaluation of a combined heat, power and cooling system with a conventional system with regard to economic efficiency and technical feasibility"; Moritz Naumann; 2013
"Solar power self-consumption and increase of the solar renewable coverage rate of the domestic primary energy demand by coupling a PV system and a heat pump system"; Florian Heiselbetz; 2013
"Energetic comparison of a classical and a low-temperature local heating network with decentralised heat pumps"; Andre Sturm; 2014
"Development of a control strategy concept for a low-temperature local heating network in Dollnstein"; Stefanie Menzinger; 2014
"Energetic and economic analysis of a single-family house with a high solar coverage rate"; Christoph Kehrstephan; 2014
"Sound emission measurement at a wind turbine with investigation of direction-dependent sound propagation"; Daniel Bötsch; 2014
"Evaluations of system components for the variable hydraulic integration of a fuel cell micro CHP in domestic heating systems"; Master's thesis; Ramona Bay; 2015
"Preparation of a heat balance to optimise the heat budget of an integrated paper mill"; Alissa Schäfer; 2015
"Influence of a facade greening on the energy balance of a building"; Katharina Schneider; 2015
"Simulation of solar thermal flat-plate collectors for single-family houses"; David Auffermann; 2015
"Optimisation of energy efficiency through second-life batteries using the IN Campus as an example"; Christoph Kehrstephan; Master's thesis; 2016
"Planning of buildings with integrated PV and heat pump use"; Sabrina Baumgärtner; 2016
"Energy analysis and possible renovation measures of an existing building taking into account the Energy Saving Ordinance 2016"; Reinhard Fellner; 2017
"Selection of an optimal buffer storage tank for a practice-oriented building application"; Jakob Herrle; 2017
"Production and measurement of insulation panels made of biomaterials"; Johanna Hofmann; 2017
"Thermal bridge calculations in new buildings";Michael Kreißelmeier; 2017
"Energy-efficient components in textile architecture"; Christoph Herrmann; 2017
"Solar drying"; Jens Hack; 2018
"Thermal use of the underground in a water conservation area using the example of Königsbronn"; Katharina Anna Leirich; 2018
"Supply concept of a Tiny House"; Tanja Acker; 2018.
"Environmentally relevant aspects of façade greening"; Viktoria Hartan; 2019
"Looking at the success factors of social movements and their applicability to the climate justice movement in Germany"; Sebastian Schönberger; 2019
"Energetic refurbishment of a production hall to avoid mould infestation - finding measures by means of thermal simulation"; Master's thesis; Johanna Hofmann; 2019
"Federal policy measures to achieve climate targets"; Joschua Wolf; 2019
"Self-sufficiency of Tiny Houses"; Theresa Wiesmeier; 2019
"Commissioning of a measuring apparatus for the determination of U and lambda values according to the principle of the controlled heating box "; Master's thesis; Wolfgang Ernst; 2019
"Marketing and use of photovoltaic electricity after the expiry of subsidies under the Renewable Energy Sources Act"; Johannes Gilbergs; 2020
"Insulation board production from different types of grain - analysis of thermal conductivity"; Johannes Eser; 2020
"Cereal husks for the production of floor insulation boards - determination of thermodynamically relevant parameters"; Master's thesis; Maria Janson; 2020
"Extension of a farm building by a passive house residential complex"; Markus Dorr; 2020
"Ecological building - comparison of conventional with biological insulation materials"; Dennis Beck; 2020
"Dimensioning of PV pumping systems in Tanzania"; Marlene Schedlbauer; 2020
"Analysis of environmentally conscious consumer behaviour among private individuals"; Lorena Iden; 2020
"Mechanical parameters of floor insulation boards"; Michael Rager; 2020
"Optimisation and further development of the pipeline calculation program RNB for local heating networks with Excel Visual Basic"; Benedikt Ramsauer; 2020
"Planning a commercial building that is as energy self-sufficient as possible"; Robin Zuckermeier; 2020
A. Ratka, F. Hilmer, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann, W. Fuhs, O. Mehlsheimer
Direct Coupling and MPP Control between Photovoltaic and Thermal Systems for Solar Energy Utilisation, Dpg-Spring Conference , Jena 1996
F. Hilmer, K. Vajen, A. Ratka, H. Ackermann, W. Fuhs, O. Melsheimer
Modelling of the operating behaviour of uncovered solar collectors with time-varying fluid flow, Dpg-Spring Conference , Jena 1996
K. Vajen, A. Ratka, M. Uecker
Dimensioning of plate heat exchangers in thermal solar systems,
Conference Report, Sixth Symposium on Thermal Solar Energy (Staffelstein), OTTI Regensburg 1996
A. Ratka, M. Uecker, R. Wagner, H. Ackermann, O. Melsheimer
Effects of the Temperature Dependence of the Fluid Viscosity on a Flat-Plate Collector - Heat Exchanger System, Proceedings 10th International Solar Forum EuroSun '96 (Freiburg), GGS-Sonnenenergie Verlags-GmbH, Munich 1996
A. Ratka, M. Uecker, R. Wagner, H. Ackermann, O. Melsheimer
Storage systems in large solar integrated heat supply systems, Dpg Spring Conference, Munich 1997
M. Uecker, A. Ratka, R. Wagner, H. Ackermann, O. Melsheimer
Transient behaviour of heat exchangers operated in counterflow mode using the example of a large solar integrated heat supply system, Dpg-Spring Conference, Munich 1997
A. Ratka, M. Uecker, R. Wagner, H. Ackermann, O. Melsheimer
Modelling and Design of Storage Systems in Large Solar Integrated Heat Supply Systems
Conference Report, Seventh Symposium on Thermal Solar Energy (Staffelstein), OTTI Regensburg 1997
F. Hilmer, A. Ratka, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann, W.. Fuhs and O. Melsheimer
Investigation Of A Directly Coupled Photovoltaic Pumping System Connected To A Large Absorber Field,
Solar Energy Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 65-76, 1997
A. Ratka, M. Uecker, R. Wagner, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
Matched-Flow-Control in Large Solar Plants, Dpg-Spring Conference , Regensburg 1998
M. Uecker, A. Ratka, R. Wagner, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
Effects of parameter uncertainties on the accuracy of yield predictions for large-scale
solar integrated heat supply systems, Dpg-Spring Conference , Regensburg 1998
R. Wagner, A. Ratka, M. Uecker, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
Determination of collector parameters from measured operating data - a comparison of different methods and models, Dpg-Spring Conference, Regensburg 1998
A. Ratka, M. Uecker, R. Wagner, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
Modelling and Optimisation of Collector Controls in Large Solar Integrated Heat Supply Systems
Otti '98, Conference Report, 8th Symposium Thermal Solar Energy, 13-15.5. 1998, Staffelstein p. 263-267
R. Wagner, M. Uecker, A. Ratka, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
Determination of collector parameters from operational measurement data: Comparison of statistical analyses
Otti '98, Conference Report, 8th Symposium Thermal Solar Energy, 13-15.5. 1998, Staffelstein
S. 398-402
M. Uecker, A. Ratka, R. Wagner, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
Effects of parameter uncertainties on the accuracy of yield predictions for larger solar integrated heat supply systems
Otti '98, Conference Report, 8th Symposium Thermal Solar Energy, 13-15.5. 1998, Staffelstein
S. 298-302
A. Ratka, M. Uecker, R. Wagner, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
Simulation and Optimization of a Medium Scale Solar-Thermal System
EuroSun `98, 14.-17.9.1998, Portoroz (Slovenia)
A. Ratka
Measurement, modelling and optimisation of a large
solar integrated heat supply system
Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1998, ISBN 3-8265-3984-2
R. Wagner, A. Ratka, M. Uecker, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
In-Situ Collector-Parameter Determination - a Comparison between Different Methods and Models
EuroSun `98, 14.-17.9.1998, Portoroz (Slovenia)
M. Uecker, M. Hampel, M. Krause, A. Ratka, K. Vajen, H. Ackermann
Uncertainties of Simulation results with TRNSYS & Smile Compared to Measurements at a Medium Scale Solar Thermal System
EuroSun `98, 14.-17.9.1998, Portoroz (Slovenia)
A. Ratka
Structure-borne noise of a diesel engine in a regional train
VDI Conference "Vibrations in Plants and Machines", 16.-17.5.2001, Veitshöchtsheim near Würzburg (Germany)
A. Ratka, N. Schneider
Development of a simulation tool for estimation of interior and exterior noise of rail bound vehicles
ISMA International Congress of Noise and Vibration, Leuven, Belgium, 16-18.9.2002
A. Ratka, N. Schneider, U. Hachmann
Sound calculations for the acoustic design of railway vehicles
Railway Technical Review, November 2003
A. Ratka, N. Schneider, U. Hachmann
Sound calculations in railway vehicle development - methods and applications
6th International Rail Vehicle Conference Rad Schiene 2003, 8-10.10.2003 Dresden
A. Ratka, M. Tikvicki
A Method for the Evaluation of Structure-Borne Noise in Railway Vehicles Eighth International Workshop on Railway Noise; Buxton, Derbyshire, Great Britan; 8.-11.11.2004
A. Ratka
Status of thermal solar energy 2006
1st Energy Day West Middle Franconia; Weidenbach; 18.11.2006
A. Ratka
Controlled aeration and deaeration - an overview -
2nd Energy Day West Middle Franconia; Weidenbach; 17.11.2007
A. Ratka, K. Memmel, C. Balzer
Energy efficiency measures in a low-energy house - comparison of measures using a practical example 2nd international user forum on energy efficiency and existing buildings; Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein; 14-15 February 2008
A. Ratka, K. Memmel, C. Balzer
Solar energy compared to other energy efficiency measures in a low-energy house - comparison of measures using a practical example 18th Symposium on Thermal Solar Energy; Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein; 23-25.04.2008
A. Ratka
Reduction of fossil energy demand through innovative processes and the use of solar energy
3rd Energy Day West Middle Franconia; Weidenbach; 15.11.2008
A. Ratka, C. Hamel
Influence of installation errors on solar storage tanks on the demand for fossil energy for reheating 19th Symposium Thermal Solar Energy; Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein; 06.-08.05.2009
A. Ratka, W. Ernst, T. Priesnitz
Construction of a test stand for the measurement of brine heat pumps 10th International User Forum Near Surface Geothermal Energy; Linz; 20.-21.04.2010
A. Ratka, T. Priesnitz, A.K. Schäfer, W. Ernst
Influence of a solar system on the power consumption of a brine heat pump - Evaluation of a long-term measurement 20th Symposium Thermal Solar Energy; Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein; 05.-07.05.2010
A. Ratka, T. Priesnitz, W. Ernst
Optimisation of a solar assisted heat pump system using TRNSYS simulations 21st Symposium Thermal Solar Energy; Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein; 11.-13.05.2011
A. Ratka,
Germany's current energy supply and approaches to the supply of the future 11th Science Day of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region; Ansbach; 15.07.2011
A. Ratka
Effects of the nuclear phase-out in private life - The necessary contribution of each individual to improve energy efficiency
6th Energy Day West Middle Franconia; Weidenbach; 12.11.2011
A. Ratka
Energy efficiency an indispensable component of the energy transition
8th Energy Day West Middle Franconia; Weidenbach; 02.11.2013
A. Ratka, S. Flores Larsen, W. Ernst
Solar energy use in Argentina - opportunities and obstacles -.
A field report
26th Symposium Thermal Solar Energy; Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein; 20.-22.04.2016
A. Ratka, K. Schneider, W. Ernst
Improvement of thermal insulation on buildings through façade greening
2nd Expert Forum Green Buildings; Frankfurt am Main; 26-27.10.2016.
Silvana Flores Larsen, Andreas Ratka, Nicolás Castro, Marcos Hongn, Silvina González
3rd South American Congress on simulation of building behaviour; Buenos Aires, Argentina; November 7-8th, 2016.
A. Ratka
Savings opportunities through building refurbishment - Special aspects of biomaterials.
12th Energy Day West Middle Franconia; Weidenbach; 18.11.2017
A. Ratka, J. Hack, W. Ernst
Solar drying in a further education project for Africa
29th Symposium on Solar Thermal Energy; Banz Monastery, Bad Staffelstein; 21 to 23 May 2019.
A. Ratka, S. Homann-Wenig, B. Ehrmaier
Renewable energies - the key to the energy economy of the future.
Ulmer Verlag; Stuttgart; 2015
Rolling noise measurement on underground vehicles (in cooperation with VAG, Nuremberg); 2005
Sound analysis on a passenger car (in cooperation with Jacob-Kunststofftechnik, 91489 Wilhelmsdorf); 2005/2006
Test of biogas sulphur probes (in cooperation with Siemens, Power Generation, Nuremberg); 2006/2007
Determination of the efficiency of wood-burning stoves in normal operation (in cooperation with Keramik und Bau L.Jansen GmbH & Co.KG, Nuremberg); 2006/2007
Energy analyses of low-energy houses (in cooperation with EBH Dorst, Senzig); 2005 - 2009
Optimisation of the degree of utilisation of heat accumulators in thermal solar systems; 2007/2008
Measurement of the sound insulation of rail vehicle components (in cooperation with Siemens TS, Nuremberg); 2007/2008
Energy analysis of a municipal building; 2008/2009
Environmentally friendly new university building; 2008/2009
Development of an optimised solar-integrated heat pump heating system for residential buildings (funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts); 2008 - 2010
Measurement of a solar air collector; 2009/2010
Investigation of residential ventilation units with heat recovery; 2009/2010
Optimisation of PV-driven pumps for fish ponds 2010/2011 (PLV project)
Environmentally friendly new building for the University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf 2010/2011
Simulation and design of a solar system for seawater desalination 2010/2011
Metrological investigation of a Peltier cooler 2011
Design of a solar system for water heating 2011
Measurement of the lift on a wing 2011/2012
CFD calculations on a wing 2012
Planning of a wind turbine 2012/2013
CFD calculations on heat transfer from a wall 2013
Energy balance of the production of a passenger car 2013
Measurement of a brine heat pump 2013
Thermography on vehicles (in cooperation with Siemens, Erlangen) 2014
Energy Independent Low Energy Buildings in Rural Regions since 2015 (In cooperation with the Universidad National de Salta, Argentina and Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo (IMBECU), Mendoza, Argentina)
Solar thermal energy, solar drying; participation in the advanced training project "Food Chains in Agriculture"; 2019
Development of soil insulation panels from biogenic residues, project management organisation AiF (ZIM project), funded by the BMWi, duration 2019 to 2022
Project reports
- Biogas production in the laboratory (2006)
- Rolling noise of rail vehicles (2006)
- Analysis of a low-energy house (2006)
- Analysis of alow-energy house - influence of thermal bridges (2007)
- Sound analysis of a passenger car (2007)
- Determination of the efficiency of wood stoves (2008)
- Influenceof installation errors on solar storage tanks on the demand
for fossil energy for reheating (2009) - Influenceof a solar system on the electricity consumption of a
brine heat pump - evaluation of a long-term measurement (2010) - Optimisation of a solar-assisted heat pump system with
the help of TRNSYS simulations (2010) - Construction of a test stand for the measurement of brine heat pumps (2010)
- Solar energy use in Argentina - opportunities and obstacles (2016)
- Improving thermal insulation on buildings through façade greening (2016)
- Solar drying in a further education project for Africa (2019)
International activities
17. to 18.09.2007 "Renewable Energies - Potentials, Costs and Techniques"
Conducting a seminar at the "State Agricultural University" in Voronezh in Russia in the context of the MBA programme "Master of Business Administration in Agricultural Management" and the degree programme "MBA in Agriculture
05.09.2015 to 06.03.2016 Research stay on the topic "Energy Efficiency in Buildings" at the Universidad Nacional de Salta; Argentina
30.05.2016 to 01.06.2016 Visit of Dr. Silvan Flores Larsen, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina to the Department of Environmental Engineering of the HSWT for scientific exchange in the field of Building Simulation